CS371p Spring 2021: Kushal Pachchigar #8

Kushal Pachchigar
2 min readMar 15, 2021

What did you do this past week?

I started on the next project for this class — Allocator — with my partner. I also worked on another project for my autonomous driving class which was due on Friday.

What’s in your way?

I think we implemented the allocator() and deallocator() correctly, we pass 2 of the 4 test cases on hackerrank, but our unit tests give a segfault. We think it might be because of the nitty-gritty of which pointer we’re returning (the beginning of sentinel, or first element).

What will you do next week?

I and my partner will try to finish this project next week hopefully. If we don’t get around the bugs or are stuck, piazza might be useful in that case and we can ask questions about specific doubts we have.

What was your experience of heap arrays, allocators, and digits iterator?

My group didn’t ger to finish the digits_iterator exercise on time which made me frustrated a bit. I have learned about allocators before in my os class so it wasn’t new information for the most part, but it was for sure a good refresher I needed to start with the project.

What made you happy this week?

Finishing my project for other classes that were due this past week made me happy. Also getting started on the project for this class early on is good I think. I am trying to learn piano on my own which requires discipline and routine which is hard to maintain for me, but I made decent progress this past week which was great!

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

Tip-of-the-week: For debugging purposes of the allocator project, printing addresses of pointers was a huge help for me and my partner to get around fixing a couple of bugs. To do so, we made the int* and const int* pointers in the iterator class “public” instead of private which allows you to print <pointer>._p — which is the address we’re interested in. Make sure to revert them back to private once done with debugging. Good luck with the project!

